The Obama (Non) Salute…

Good evening once again. Tonight I would ask a favor of all of you. Please take a close look at the photos that I have attached to this posting. One was forwarded to me by a friend. While researching that photo I discovered several others that I found to be as equally disturbing. Now I’m sure that many of you have  read or heard of the reports of “our leader” traveling the globe, apologizing for America , its actions and perspective, putting down the country he “worked so hard “ to represent on the global stage, aside from belittling our entire country by bowing to an Arabian prince. Some of that I can attribute to ignorance, I don’t condone these actions, but I can understand some of them as “rookie” mistakes (For example, when the First Lady reached out and touched the Queen of England).
People do make mistakes. However, looking at these photos these are not mistakes of someone who just continues to screw up for lack of intelligence. Remember, he did go to college, (wink wink). These are deliberate actions (or lack thereof, in this case).  I found that most of these pictures were actually several years old, one dating to his campaign. I strongly wish these images would be run through the mainstream media! Maybe if they were, he may not have won almost four years ago. Who in their right mind would vote for someone who (a) is not willing to salute the flag (or a fallen soldier) or b) recite the Pledge of Allegiance or show respect during the National Anthem of the country you represent. I did find one photo of Obama properly saluting a fallen soldier. I have included the link to that article so that you may read it for yourself. Please take the time to read that also, you may find it very alarming and eye-opening regarding the mentality of our current president. (The link is
  I understand that the Pledge mentions “God” and he is a Muslim, so just drop the word “God” or change it to Allah during your recitation if you like. I myself am not Christian, but recite the pledge with pride, dignity and honor, and merely reflect inwardly on my religious choice when I speak the word “God”. The Pledge is not about whom or what you worship, it’s about swearing allegiance and loyalty to the country that you live in, that you represent to the entire world. I believe that failing to participate in the proper respect due the country you represent is completely deplorable, disrespectful and shameful. There are men and women who have fought for and defended this great country, its Flag and Pledge so many sacrificing their very lives in the process. The least the president could do is honor them, this country and all is stands for with the proper respect!
The pictures included in order are Obama, Hillary and unknown on the campaign trail in 2008, the two pane pictures of Obama saluting the Russian flag of all things, and NOT saluting at a Veteran’s Day Memorial. Next,  Obama saluting the Ghana flag. Then Obama once again NOT saluting at a Veteran’s Memorial.

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